I am now known to many as "The Angel Lady" or "The Angel Whisperer". I have spoken with, been guided and healed by Angels; and I PAINT Angels. I not only been truly touched by an Angel - I have been touched by hundreds of Angels and Archangels. I have many clairvoyant friends who have confirmed to me that what I paint is the closest to the real Angels as it is humanly possible to achieve.
Words alone cannot describe the feelings and inner knowings that you experience when you encounter an Angel.

So I guess I will begin with some of my own Angel stories and Angel pictures, and please feel free to add your own Angelic true life stories to mine.
The funny thing about Angel Experiences is they happen when you least expect it....where do you think I was when the idea for this blog CAME to me .... I was hanging out the washing about thirty minutes ago and thinking of nothing in particular and all of a sudden this great idea came to me together with the Domain Name, which was still available and waiting for me.
I am not much of a writer in fact I don't like writing much but when I am inspired it comes so easily.I have learned that when it you receive guidance and information from Angels or from Spirit you have to write it down straight away or you tend forget it. So I came straight in from the washing line, sat at the computer and created this blog. I love Divine Guidance!
Angels have come OUT!! Everybody is now becoming aware of their Guardian Angels. Spiritual authors like Doreen Virtue and others have written many books on the subject of Angels. My first Amazing angel story describes how my own book of Angelic Guidance, Sacred Wisdom came about through divine guidance.
Love and Blessings
Glenyss Bourne
To see my Angelic artwork, that was inspired by the Angels and Archangels visit my online galleries below.
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My name is Angel and I have several simalarities to real Angels but that could just be me help me I am 11 and confused.
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